04 setembro 2012

Creating Conscious Relationships

Most people are driven by their willpower.

Generally we do things in our lives because our will, our ego, creates the logic of: “I want this, I want that” and “When I have this, I will be happy.”
The “I want” syndrome creates patterns which can form a vicious circle of jealousy, anger and darkness, creating a world of fear, doubt and discomfort, moving us away from the true self which is connected to joy, love and light.

The result is our need for love becomes stronger than our ability to express love.

In this world, we see things from a highly individual perspective that places a continual state of stress on our body, our breathing and our mind. We do not realize what motivates these “I wants.” By having thoughts like, “If I do not do enough, I will not be rewarded,” we forget that the “I” is only an illusion and that this vicious circle will simply never satisfy us.

From the moment we are born, the most important aspect of life becomes relationship.

Relationship is central for survival and for a sense of belonging and well-being. To understand relationship is to understand that this is what makes us human, but sometimes we bring too much of the “I want” syndrome into the relationship.In the beginning we learn to relate to what is closest and most dear to our heart, and this is the love a mother has for her child. We understand that relationship is an expression of love, a sharing of love and a communication of love.
Then the ego forms and most of us forget this core aspect of relationship. If our relationships with our parents aren’t healthy, and for many of us, this is true, we begin to need love rather than express love. This feeling then gets carried into other relationships.
This sense of neediness is what our society has condoned as normal and acceptable. Hence, it is difficult to see this neediness as it is such a core aspect of how we see the world.
I see the world today as suffering from a lack of conscious relationship and full of what I term “needy” relationship. I see this as the cause of many worldwide problems that aren’t always attributed directly to this issue.
Over the next months I will be working with conscious relationship in order to help this to be easily put into practice. Let us embrace conscious relationship in all its aspects so that we can release this neediness and allow our lives to become filled with love.
~ Adapted from Tony Samara’s Shaman’s Wisdom and Different Yet the Same

03 setembro 2012

Meditating on the Current Financial Crisis

Navigating the Financial Crisis Mindfully

“Contrary to willpower, which brings into play the ego, intention is animated by the heart and our inner being. It is simply an expression of the pure love we have for all things and for all people. Its reference is not the past or future rather a deep presence to the fullness of life itself.

When the ego does not have anything to want, there is no more situation of stress. When there is pure intention, the mind, the body and the breath are released. The more this intention relaxes us, the more we are present to the pure joy and happiness which is a part of all Life and which we should not be seeking outside of ourselves. In Huachuma communities, living life with pure intention is a way of behaving which borrows from the rhythms of Nature.”

~ Tony Samara


The current financial crisis is quite complex, and to address the many complicated parts one needs to create an awareness that goes beyond the parts and sees the whole.

One needs creative intelligence to go beyond what seems very difficult to see beyond. One needs to remember the real values and core aspects of what it means to be a human being beyond the financial terminologies.

Actually addressing the financial crisis is a little bit like addressing the crisis within oneself when things reach that point where everything looks complex and impossible to resolve.

Thinking about it will just give you a headache and feeling it will just give you pain, worry and fear. So, better to raise your awareness to a level of consciousness that can deal with it in a much more constructive way.

How can we deal with the financial crisis in a constructive way?

Start with meditation.

“We can never know an answer until,” as Einstein said, “we move beyond the problem.”


For a Better Life

Most of the time our beliefs about what constitutes our essence come from a space of lack rather than from a space of appreciation for the fullness of our being. We seek to fulfill that space of lack with external things that we think will complete it. Of course this does not bring us completeness.
Most people act and think in this contradictory way – more money, more comfort, more things, more, more, more means happiness and unfortunately most people take too long to experience the disappointment that this is not true.
In the end I can tell you what to do but the circling only stops when what creates the momentum to do the circling disappears. I am not saying that basic comforts are unimportant but they will not fulfill your inner joy. It is the embracing and the experiencing of your inner joy that will enable you to stop the circling.
At this point of human evolution it is the optimum moment to transcend these circles by utilising some simple wisdoms.
Measuring ourselves against others in a very competitive way, or dualism, creates an attachment to certain ideas and from that attachment we judge what is right, what is wrong, what is similar, what is not so similar. If you have a different set of rules, then these things become a mere theatre and you simply watch it rather than be part of it and as you do this you are much more free to act in a very intelligent way addressing the core rather than becoming a puppet to the ups and downs that happen to everyone.
My deepest goal is that we all remember who we are. But, in a personal sense, I don’t feel caught up in the need to do this, as I believe that the future goal is an idea of people wanting something to change rather than themselves; hence my distaste for politics and very zealous people on their missions.
I feel it is more important to open our minds and hearts to everyone so that we can understand the depth of a person, the uniqueness of a person and with that complex understanding be there for that person rather than try to change the world.
I meet many managers and politicians who having studied and read much of the formal knowledge needed to be in the position they are in and they now realize that something more is needed.
I have been working like this for more than 30 years and believe that now is the time for these people to take the jump and look at where else wisdom and knowledge can come from in order to assist in a very practical way to change what needs to be changed to create a more happy and wealthy society for all to enjoy.

Tony Samara