19 agosto 2012

Later never happens

Later never happens when you don't follow the rhythm of life by honouring this moment. All that you have to do is be this beautiful being that you are in this present moment within the inner most parts of your being and live with a sense of patience, with a sense of hope and trust that what needs to happen will happen."


I Trust

If 1-2% of the population say, 
I trust.
I trust that the light
is not anywhere far removed
from my experience.
I trust that the light
is within my experience
and I trust that experience
so completely
that I honour that experience
from a space that is not dualistic.
I honour it
from a space
that is not separate
from the space of union,
from the space of consciousness."
Then we have
an explosion of light
and a new star is born
to guide our trust
to a space
that is the natural space to be in.
That space is your heart."
Tony Samara
If you feel the importance of love,
then love begins to speak to your heart,
and when love begins to speak to your heart,
you set in motion something totally different.
You set in motion
creative intelligence.
Express your love creatively,
then we change the world."

Tony Samara